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Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:

Seven girls- Sona, Tina, Reena, Sheena, Meena, Beena & Neena teach seven activities- Painting, singing, dancing, cooking, swimming, shooting and skating not necessarily in the same order from Monday-Friday. Each girl teaches a different activity. Not more than two activities are taught on any day. Cooking is taught by Tina on Tuesday. Sheena teaches on Friday but neither singing nor dancing. Sona teaches skating on the day on which painting is taught. Reena teaches swimming on Monday. Beena teaches painting but neither on Thursday nor on Friday. Neena teaches on Thursday. Singing and cooking are taught on the same day.

01. Skating is taught on which day?
A. Monday  B. Wednesday 
C. Friday  D. Data inadequate
E. None of these.

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Answer: Wednesday 

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02. On which day is singing taught?
A. Tuesday  B. Wednesday 
C. Friday  D. Monday 
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Tuesday 

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03. Which of the following pairs of girls teach on Tuesday?
A. Tina, Sheena  B. Tina, Beena 
C. Tina, Sona  D. Tina, Meena 
E. None of these

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Answer: Tina, Meena 

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04. Which activity is taught on Friday?
A. Shooting  B. Swimming 
C. Painting  D. Skating 
E. None of these

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Answer: Shooting 

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05. Which activity is taught by Neena?
A. Singing  B. Shooting 
C. Dancing  D. Painting 
E. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Dancing 

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